
Friday, March 5, 2010

who can be against us?

The Pro-life Movement is awesome.

Really, it is. I mean, I know I have a bit of a bias (okay, maybe a "lot" of a bias), but whether you support the work of pro-lifers or not, it's hard to deny that they're doing a heck of a lot of it.

Especially over the past 18 days. From February 17 to March 28, Americans from coast to coast, along with pro-lifers in Canada, Australia, and Northern Ireland, are participating in yet another successful 40 Days for Life campaign. To those unfamiliar with the effort, 40 Days for Life, begun by David Bereit, is an organized, intensive, and effective period of "prayer and fasting, constant vigil, and community outreach" for an end to abortion and it happens on a colossal scale[1]. In the U.S. alone, 167 cities are involved in this year's spring campaign (see image), and a confirmed 188 babies have been saved in less than three weeks. During last year's fall enterprise, two abortion clinics shut down, nine clinic workers quit, 212 communities lent a hand, and 607 babies were saved.

Here's the moral of the story: There are a million ways to help end abortion, but I promise not one of them works like prayer. Our God is a faithful God. He hears our every cry and plea. He is a miracle-worker and promise-keeper. He finds nothing impossible.

So yes, the Pro-Life Movement is awesome. And yes, the 40 Days for Life campaign is awesome, too. But I think it's just because He is campaigning with us. After all: "If God is for us, who can be against us?" (Romans 8:31).

Vita Pro Omni!


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