
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

planned barrenhood/ banned parenthood

I truly don't mean to be rude or sarcastic with the title of this post, but I have to be honest: I've always been confused as to why Planned Parenthood carries its name. They specialize in helping women implement various immoral plans to not become parents. Perhaps one of the aforementioned monikers would be more fitting.

Regardless of your stance on abortion or contraception, Planned Parenthood has an absolutely filthy track record in our courts. They are largely dishonest and often criminal; yet they receive over $330 million in annual funding from our tax dollars. Let's take a look at what they do with that money:

I will allow that video to speak for itself.

Finally, I want to pass some information along. Below is a list of just some of the hundreds of companies that financially support the number one abortion provider in America**- the corporation you just witnessed emotionally manipulating and lying to that vulnerable young girl: Planned Parenthood.

Perhaps we could all refrain from giving these companies our business as much as possible:

American Express Company
AT&T Foundation
Bank of America Corp
Black and Decker Corp
BP America, Inc
Bristol-Meyers Co
Caterpillar Foundation
Charles Schwab and Company, Inc
Coca-Cola Company
Colgate-Palmolive Co
Community First National Bank
Delta Airlines Foundation
Eckerd Corporation
Emerson Electric Co
Ernst & Young Foundation
Exxon Corporation
General Electric Company
General Mills Foundation
General Motors Corporation
Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co
Hartford Insurance Foundation
Hewlett-Packard Co
H.J. Heinz Company Foundation (Heinz ketchup)
Home Depot, The
Hormel Foods Corporation
Houghton Mifflin Company
H & R Block, Inc
IBM Corp
JC Penny Co, Inc
Jiffy Lube
Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies
Jostens, Inc
J.P. Morgan & Co, Inc
Kellogg Company
Kmart Corp
Kraft Foods, Inc
Land O' Lakes Foundation
Levi Strauss & Co (Levi's jeans)
McDonald's Corp
McGraw-Hill Foundation, Inc
McKesson Corporation
Microsoft Corp
Motorola Foundation
Nabisco Foods Group
National City Bank Foundation
New York Times Co
Northwest Airlines
Northwestern Mutual Insurance
Olive Garden, The
Pennzoil Company
PepsiCo Foundation, Inc
Philip Morris Companies, Inc
Pizza Hut
PNC Bank Foundation
Prentice Hall
Proctor & Gamble Co
Prudential Foundation, The
Radio Shack
Reader's Digest Foundation
Rockefeller Group, Inc
SAFECO Insurance Companies
Sallie Mae
SBC Foundation (formerly Ameritech)
S C Johnson & Son, Inc
Shell Oil Company Foundation
Sherwin Williams Foundation
Sony Corporation of America
Sprint Foundation
State Farm Insurance Companies
SYSCO Corporation
Taco Bell
Texaco, Inc
Texas Instruments Foundation
Time, Inc
Time Warner
U.S. Bank
US Air, Inc
Verizon Foundation
Wells Fargo & Co
West Group
Western Life Insurance Co
Xerox Corp

... and many more.

Planned Parenthood, sooner or later,
you will be defunded.

Vita Pro Omni!

**Updated April 2007


  1. and how many un-planned children have you adopted?

  2. Hi Alan,

    Right now I'm a 20-year-old college student, but adoption actually is something I would very much like to do when I'm older and married. But let’s imagine, for the sake of your comment, that no one was adopting children from women who have unwanted pregnancies. Would abortion be okay? I don’t think so. I answered a similar question on a previous post and I will say now what I said then. Think about it like this. Imagine if Rob goes up to Bill and says he (Rob) is going to kill his wife unless Bill gives him $10,000. Bill says no. Rob kills his wife. Rob is caught and tried for murder. Do you think it would help his case to say, “Well, it’s morally permissible that I killed my wife because I told Bill I would do it if he didn’t give me $10,000 dollars and he didn’t. It’s not my fault that I went ahead and killed her”? I doubt it. Sometimes it feels like pro-choicers are saying to pro-lifers: “Unless you adopt every single child from an unwanted pregnancy, or at least come up with enough money for every one of those children's mothers, we’re going to kill unborn children- and there’s nothing you’ll be able to say about it.” All of the adoption agencies and thousands of crisis pregnancy centers in this country aside, such thinking is untrue and unfair. Any one of many simple analogies will show that.

  3. Anyone else find it interesting that the PP worker struggles to call the 6-8 week old baby fetal matter or embryos (by struggle I mean that she's pauses and "ums" each time before she refers to the baby that way!) and then later when she's talking, she so easily says "all these aborted children".

    Yup, children. Not fetal matter, not embryos (as if that is even scientifically accurate!)... but tiny beautiful precious babies!

  4. I've seen this list and others a lot, Catherine, and I have to admit that it's something with which I struggle. Mostly because this list is so long and half the time when I choose another place to shop, it ends up on the list as well.

    Have you ever seen or considered compiling a "good" list? For example, where can I buy gas if BP (which is immoral in other ways as well), Exxon, Shell, and Texaco all support PP? AT&T and Verizon? Who should provide my cell service?

    I agree that we should avoid supporting those who support abortion, but I would like to see this information presented in a more practical way.

  5. Hi Beth,

    I hear you! I understand that completely boycotting all of these companies is impractical; Liz Horne is actually doing it for a year (along with some other major lifestyle changes) as a kind of pro-life project (she rocks!) But I don't think we are under a moral obligation to change our lives in that drastic of a way.

    At the same time, boycotting even just a few of these companies, and then contacting them to inform them that you are doing so/ why you are doing so, can be a lot more effective than you might think. Here's an excerpt from a LifeSiteNews article from earlier this month:

    "Kenneth C. Garvey, the director of communications for Life Decisions International, which compiles the list of companies backing the abortion business, said the boycotts have worked over the years because millions in Planned Parenthood funding has stopped.

    "As a direct result of the commitment, action and prayers of pro-family people, at least 256 corporations have stopped funding Planned Parenthood," he told

    LDI estimates that the boycott has cost Planned Parenthood more than $40 million since the Corporate Funding Project (CFP) began nearly 18 years ago.

    "This should serve as a testament to those who thought it impossible to change corporate philanthropic behavior," Garvey said."

    We may not be able to do everything, but we can do something; and it looks like pro-lifers who have done 'something' in the past have made major strides to save lives; that's encouraging!
