
Monday, January 25, 2010

top 10 reasons why babies rock my socks

Let's face it. Babies are really stinkin' cute.

Even if you don't think of yourself as a "baby person," you can't help but notice the adorable way they coo and giggle and grin that toothless grin, making you smile right along with them. Their eyes are clear and sparkly, which is cool. And who doesn't love when a little newborn falls asleep in their arms?

Sure, their diapers smell, and they kind of cry a lot; but I tear up pretty easily, too, and my friends still like me. Basically, I think it's time we reminded ourselves of just some of the many reasons we love babies. And so I present:

Top 10 Reasons Why Babies Rock My Socks

10. Baby clothes. Tiny tennis shoes, miniature mittens, itty bitty bathings suits... Anything they wear looks darling on their little bodies.

9. The fact that every one of them is somehow the cutest thing in the world. Whenever I see a baby, I find myself exclaiming, "Aww, that is the cutest baby I have ever seen!" But, mystifyingly, so was the last one I saw... and the one before that... and the one before that...

8. New baby smell. Enough said.

7. You get to see the world through their eyes. Watching babies take in their surroundings is one of the greatest gifts they give you. When they look with wonder at their first flower, bird, or butterfly, it makes you see everything through new eyes, too. You get a refreshed appreciation for life you never knew you needed.

6. Chubs. Chubby tummies, chubby cheeks, chubby fingers, chubby thighs. You name it, and it's probably adorably round and pinchable. Plus, their super soft skin makes hugging and touching all those plump parts that much sweeter.

5. They can't talk back. You can dress up your newborn girl in frilly dresses and she'll never be opposed. When you need to drag your baby boy with you to the grocery store, he won't whine about wanting to go home now. Babies are usually fairly pleasant little people, and they aren't really into the whole attitude thing. Awesome.

4. Observing baby faces is arguably the most entertaining pastime ever. Yawns, scrunches, pouty lips, toothless grins... You could stare forever at an infant who isn't really doing anything at all.

3. Watching new parents love on their baby is amazing. There's nothing better than the way a new mom looks at her daughter or a first-time dad takes pride in his young son. The moment a parent sees their newborn child, it's love at first sight.

2. Babies bring a family together. They fill a home with love, strengthening the bonds between husband and wife, brother and sister, parent and child. If you want to learn love, patience, sacrifice, or just how to warm a bottle, welcome a child into your life.

1. They love you and need you. Babies are beautifully dependent upon their parents for everything from food to lullabies to kisses. They want you just as you are. And you love and need them right back.

Vita Pro Omni!

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